
Organized Call Routing

Efficient call routing is crucial for providing exceptional customer service and optimizing internal communication. With Groups, you can organize your users into logical groups, such as departments, teams, or even based on specific projects or locations. Incoming calls are then seamlessly routed to the appropriate group, ensuring that callers are connected with the right individuals who can address their needs efficiently.

Customizable Group Configurations

Each business has unique requirements when it comes to call routing. With our Groups feature, you have the flexibility to customize group configurations to align with your organization's structure and processes. Define the members within each group, specify their availability and call handling options, and set up call distribution rules, such as simultaneous ringing or round-robin routing. These customizable configurations allow you to optimize call flow and ensure efficient communication within your organization.

Effortless Departmental Routing

Departments play a critical role in managing incoming calls and providing specialized support. With Groups, you can easily set up departmental routing, ensuring that calls intended for specific departments are directed to the appropriate group of users. Whether it's sales, customer support, or technical assistance, our feature simplifies the process, minimizing call transfers and delivering a seamless caller experience.

Choose Yours

Simple Pricing Plans

Plans come with all core features and minimum one dedicated phone number. Plan charges comprise of a $9.99 platform fee plus a per user fee


Platform fee $9.99/month
Online User Portal
Mobile App
1 Dedicated Device
Extra phone number
Personal Conference Bridge
Personal Fax to email
Per user/ per month
most Popular


Platform fee $9.99/month
Online User Portal
Mobile App
2 Dedicated Devices
1 extra phone number
Personal Conference Bridge
Personal Fax to email
per user  /  per month


Platform fee $9.99/month
Online User Portal
Mobile App
3 Dedicated Devices
2 Extra phone numbers
Personal Conference Bridge
Personal Fax to email
per user  /  per month
Do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions about our pricing plans. We're here to help. Oh, and don’t forget to check the FAQ page.